The port of Malpe is located at latitude 13° 21’ North and longitude 74° 42.5’ East at the mouth of Malpe river in Udupi District.
1st stage Development of Malpe Port is currently under progress and is being undertaken at an estimated cost Rs. 165.00 lakhs.
It is amongst the largest fishing harbours in Asia, and a matter of great pride to the state of Karnataka. The islands in the region remain untapped, and provide a massive opportunity to investors interested in tourism projects.
M/s. Tebma Shipyard Limited has developed a modern ship building and repair yard at Malpe and have already commenced ship building activities. Besides providing better employment opportunities to the people of the region, the port also helps to earn huge revenue.
- RCC Wharf 84 MTR
- Passenger jetty.
- Passenger shed (104’ x 23’.8’’) 1 No.
- Cargo shed (53’ x 23’) 1 No.
- Flag mast
- Transit light wooden mast
- Light House (Handed over to Central Government)