The port of Honnavar is located at Latitude 14° 16.30’ North and longitude 74° 7.10 East at the mouth of Sharavati river in Uttara Kannada District. The port of Honnavar is surrounded by hills, forests and the Sharavathi river. The port is positioned such that there is no environmental threat.
The development of this port is already under- way by the Honnavar Port Pvt. Ltd. (HPPL and will be advantageous to the local populace as it shall generate local employment and improve the socio-economic well-being of the local community. The development of the port will also boost business opportunities in the hinterland.
Honnavar Port: Existing Facilities
- First stage lighterage wharf of 400 m length with a stacking area of 69,000 Sq. Ft.
- Second stage lighterage wharf of 564’ long with about 3,00,000 Sq. Ft of stacking area.
- Transit shed for the storage of imported and exported cargo.

Honnavar Port Development: Salient Features
- Construction of northern breakwater 820M long.
- Construction of southern breakwater 865M long.
- Construction of Berth size 440mtrs x 30m with 2 no’s approach trestles in stage 1.
- Dredging of navigation channel up to -15mtrs.
- Channel Width 150 metres.
- Outer channel length 2280mtrs.
- Inner channel length 1395mtrs.
- Turning circle radius of 350mtrs in phase-1 and will be expandable up to 600mtrs for larger vessels in Phase 2
- Vessel capacity – 40,000 to 60,000 DWT in phase – 1.
- Vessel capacity – 1, up to 1,20,000 DWT in phase – 2.